LatinBallroomDance. Com Studios Inc
SALSA On1 & On2 Enjoy Our Passion… … Make Yours. One dance floor. Private Lessons Groups Classes Studio Parties and/or Practice Sessions Showcases Medalist Exams Competitions Student Trips Visiting Coaches PLEASE CK. Int’l Latin American Smooth & Rhythm Swing Salsa & Merengue Argentine Tango BELLY Dance Bachata Merenque Cumbia. a) EVERY Thursdays SOCIAL PARTY 8-10pm b) EVERY Fridays @ FREE DANCE LESSONS 9-10pm SPECIAL INTERNET PROMOTION BUY 3 And Get 5 Lessons / With or Without Parter M-F 12m to 10 PmSat: 12m to 9 Pm Sun: 10Am to 6Pm SEMINAR: Every Sat 6Pm TRAINER: Closed Combat -GUIDED CHAOS / – MARTIALREALISTS.COM BALLY DANCE LESSONS SAT 4-5PM LBRM ZUMBA LESSONS SUN 2-3PM