Ballroom Dancin Fools
Since 1998 teaching social and competitive students Wedding couples adults and teens. Private & group lessons are offered in Swing Salsa Cha-cha Rumba Hustle Foxtrot Waltz and more. No partner is necessary. Owner Laurent Mullen is a Pro/Am competing instructor in American Smooth & Latin Swing Hustle and Theater Arts. After he retired from ballet he became co-owner of Lets Dance in Rhythm from 2005-9. The Shoreline Arts Alliance honored Laurent with its 2008 BRAVO! Award given For One dance floor. Total 800 Sq Feet Private Lessons Groups Classes Competitions. Int’l Latin American Smooth & Rhythm Theatre Arts / Showdance Swing Salsa & Merengue Wedding Dances. Thursdays: 7pm Beg. Salsa 745pm Int. Salsa M-F 9am-9pm Sat.10am-3pm Excellent instruction given to students; no partner is needed. Competitive and social dancers welcome.