Take The Lead Dance Studio
Take The Lead offers a fun friendly relaxed place to learn the dances of your choice. We have 1500 sq ft of newly installed hardwood floor and are conveniently located among many shopping entertainment and dining options in Pike Creek Shopping Center. We staff experienced male and female instructors many trained through the Arthur Murray Organization in Wilmington Delaware. Both Private and Group lessons are offered at all levels and both singles and couples are welcomed. Two dance floors or rooms. Total total of 1500 Sq Feet Private Lessons Groups Classes Studio Parties and/or Practice Sessions Showcases Medalist Exams Competitions Student Trips Visiting Coaches Misc Off-site lessons. Int’l Standard & Latin American Smooth & Rhythm Swing Salsa & Merengue Country & Western. Private lessons are available Mon – Fri 10am-10pm. Group Lessons are held each week night at 7:30 and 8:15pm and Sat 11am and 1pm. Studio Parties are every other Friday. Monday thru Friday 10am – 10pm Saturday 10am – 4pm Sunday by appointment only N/A